It is with much joy that Clélie joins the Wellness Embodied team. Prior to landing here, her therapeutic work took place in meditation centers, juvenile detention centers, wilderness therapy environments and in adaptive sports, schools, and in family homes. No matter where she finds herself, Clelie brings with her a trauma-informed approach and meets others where they are at: it is the client's healing journey and they can choose the pace.
Using a relational approach, Clelie sees each of us as humans shaped by our relationships and social contexts--we do not exist in a vacuum and can only be understood within our complex and layered situations. In Clelie's therapeutic work with children and adolescents, patterns can be uncovered, allowing clients to shed behaviors which no longer serve and equip themselves with healthier ways to meet the present.
Sessions with Clelie might include DBT tools, grounding exercises, creative expression, arts, and play depending on the needs of the client. Clelie has a strong sense of humor and a great deal of respect for others. Her passion is helping youth and young adults empower themselves, find their voice, and heal within themselves, their families and communities.
Clélie is bilingual and bicultural French and American. She received her MSW from Silberman School of Social Work at CUNY Hunter and completed her bachelor’s locally at SUNY New Paltz, studying social inequality, human services, and art. Over the past decade, Clelie has worked with children, teens, young adults, parents, and veterans, with her most extensive experience landing with adolescents, LGBTQIA+ youth, and youth of color. In her free time, Clélie can be found in nature, playing with her dog, or reading Calvin & Hobbes. Finally- don’t worry on how to pronounce her name- we will figure that one out together!