Lori Ruth is a mental health counselor practicing in the humanistic tradition with a multi-disciplinary approach to psychotherapy that facilitates body-mind integration and embodiment. She is interested in one’s capacity for establishing baseline resilience, containment, and restorative support as a foundational pathway into relationship with self, recovery, and daily wellness.
Lori Ruth has worked at the Psychological Counseling Center at SUNY New Paltz as a Mental Health Counseling Intern. She also worked as a yoga and self-massage mental wellness educator. Lori Ruth has facilitated groups in gaining body awareness and deepening community through yoga, meditation, developmental movement, somatic discovery, self-massage and kinesthetic ballwork at the Breathing Project and the Fountain House in New York City.
She is a licensed massage therapist, bodyworker, registered yoga teacher, and a Somatic Movement Educator certified by The School for Body-Mind Centering ®. She integrates her graduate school training in anthropology and mental health counseling with her creative sensibilities to facilitate others on their journeys.